Thursday, March 15, 2007

Children and Easter

Today I had the privilege of speaking to our MOPS group (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers). They asked me to speak on portraying the Easter story to pre-schoolers.

I found out that's not really as easy as it sounds.

Here's a way to tell the Easter story I came up with.
  1. Jesus lived a perfect life, he never did anything wrong.
  2. Jesus choose to die for us to take away our sins.
  3. Three days after Jesus died God made Jesus alive again.
  4. Jesus went into heaven to be with God and to prepare a place for us so that when we die we can be in heaven with Him.
This is what I came up with, and since I've got to tell this story to my three year old for the first time this year I'd love to hear some other ideas of how to tell very young children about the Easter story.
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