Friday, August 17, 2007

Anti-Pack Rat

I am the anti-pack rat. I hate keeping things for the sake of keeping them... except for technology. I'm bad about technology. I like to keep it around. I just threw out some memory so old no computer would run it.

However, most other stuff I don't keep around long. In fact, I'm a bad choice for a clean up helper for this reason. My philosophy is "if you can't think what you'd use it for in less than 5 seconds, you don't need it." Or better yet, "if you haven't used it in the last year, and won't use it in the next, bu-bye."


I tend to offend often with this sort of mentality. I guess some folks like lots of stuff lying around. More often than not, I end up throwing away objects connected with memories. People get bent out of shape. It's not pretty.

So share a "dumpy" story with me.
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