Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Time Tables

For those of you who don't know, I'm in transition right now. Life change can be a bit disconcerting, but I'd like to say one thing. God's time tables are second to none. I've had a bit of fun (and apprehension) watching God time our transition from Texas to Vermont. We are just getting to the moving part, and already God's been good. Things have happened at just the right time every time.

So... if your getting discouraged with the way things are progressing, or you are frustrated that they are not progressing at all, trust your creator. I know God will work it out for you just as He has done for me.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Children of God

Not an easy thing to swallow, but we are children of God. Not just creations mind you, children. That has always been a "take it in faith" truth to me. I can't see any real reason why a God of infinity would care to have a bunch of misbehaving ants as kids. He obviously does, as 1 John 3:1 is in the Bible, black ink on white paper.

So what's my point? I don't know. I'm just glad that God loves a repeat offender like myself that much. I need that level of love. I need that kind of father. My flaws are obvious to me, all the more so as I draw closer to God. I could never "perform" my way into His heart. I'm just a black hearted heathen He remade into a child of God. This very fact makes me more and more grateful for God's patience and limitless love. It keeps me humble.

I might not have a point, but I do have a suggestion. Look at who God is, who you are, and see the distance between the two. You will realize that life as a Child of God is a treasure you'll never fully understand. That kind of catharsis leads you to a selfless sort of joy that isn't situational. Your level of peace is based on a God who knows you in and out, and loves you all the same.
It is always worth while fighting flaws in your character. I've spent quite a bit of time in introspection recently as I am in a ministry transition and have nothing to do but pack my house up and pray. That kind of activity level tends to put you into the world of introspection. I embraced this and found in my life several black spots on my personal character and holiness. The only response is to let the Holy Spirit guide me in correcting these flaws.

I highly recomend this form of personal improvement. It's painful, but you end up liking yourself better on the other side.
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