Friday, January 19, 2007


For someone of my age bracket, the name Slick Willy creeps from the synapses when the word intern is used. Bill Clinton and scandal defined the way I saw these "on the job training" roles.

And now I've got one.

Fortunately for me the intern is not some bucksome young female with to much ambition and not enough morals. On the contrary he is a committed young man of 17 who has chosen the children's ministry path for his life. I'm honored to help him down that road. Since I want him to learn to write and think critically about what he does, I'm asking him to write a few posts for KMA. So when you see something from Chris P. that's who it is.

One of the secondary goals for my children's ministry centers around this new responsibility of mine. I endeavor to build my ministry in such a way that I could be there or be gone and little would change. It's my job to pull out of someone else the ability to lead and work in every aspect of our ministry and not hold back one thing for myself. Then the kids will still experience great ministry even if I am absent. I am not essential. The team is essential.

So here's my question: Do you hold back responsibilities just for you?
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