Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Howto: 4 Cures for BLAH

I've been accosted with a bit of BLAH lately. You know exactly what it is... a lack of passion and a drained feeling brought on by doing to stinking much. It's not burnout, it's not massive emotional failure, it's just a state of "BLAH". Here's my little list of cures:
  1. Stop looking in: You aren't the point. Review who you are reaching and why. If you don't know the answer to that question... time to do some vision casting.
  2. Restart Your Bible: Half the time I'm out of sync because I've let my Bible reading and study become impersonal or solely ministry focused. Remember that the Bible was written by God for us to know Him, not for us to tell others about Him. You own a Bible for YOU first, then for others.
  3. Shut your mouth: If you've been complaining, it effects your mood. I've found that things go wrong no matter what... plans in place, people trained, prep done, it matters not a bit. It's attitude that makes things work, even if they don't work just how you planned them.
  4. Quit working for a second: If you're overworked, stop working. Durring a special event, you have to work super hard. After those are done or when you've just been working a bunch, TAKE A BREAK. If your work piles up so fast you can't take a break for a second, you need to do some unloading of responsiblity.
These are all just "pull your head out of your... hands" kinda stuff. If you are burnt out, washed out, or knocked out, these won't be a cure. For that you need a divine intervention. That being said, these do work as a good preventative cure.
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