Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Annoying of the Lord

Please don't think me sacrilegious, but God can be annoying at times. Take the story of Gideon's call for example. When the angel shows up to tell Gideon he's he chosen instrument of God to deliver Israel from Middian, Gideon asks "why me". You'd expect the God of all that can be measured (plus some) to answer the question... if for no other reason than to say, "BECAUSE I SAID SO!"

He said nothing.

So what's the deal God? "Why me" question's don't deserve an answer? Isn't the question of competency a valid one? Should we not cover my resume before I get hired? Maybe you could even ask if I want the job?

Nothing... an annoying lack of any response.

But on some reflection I see the brilliant leadership tactic God used. He stayed positive, on track, and mission focused.

  1. Mission Focused: God (being the author of all knowledge) knew that Gideon didn't need to look at his credentials, he needed to keep his eye on the prize. Gideon was the last person Gideon needed to think about. The mission needed the focus.
  2. On Track: The LAST thing any good meeting needs is a rabbit trail. God kept to the subject at hand. While it's not always the case, the question of credentials was irrelevant here.
  3. Positive: Last of all, God did not let the mission get bogged down by covering all the reasons it wouldn't work. I can't tell you how many great ideas I've seen crushed when the difficulties of a project become the center of discussion. If it's something that MUST be done, then talking about why it can't be done is just stupid.

Gideon went on to win one of the most strategic victories in the Bible. He may never have started if God had let things get off track and negative. So as irritating as the silence was, it was some of the wisest nothing Gideon never heard.

So when you pray and ask God how you are going to get it done and God seems silent, think of how it turned out for Gideon.
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