Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I just found out in the last week that I'm going to have to put my big plans for a dedicated children's room on hold for the time being.


Oh well... I've got plenty of other devious plots for getting kids to see the super great-o-matic wondermusness of Jesus.

I am also making a shift in strategy for my Sunday mornings. I've been doing the "SUPER FUN WACKY KEWL KIDS SERVICE!" at the slight expense of spiritual depth. I've done so intentionally to allow the kids to see that spiritual things can be fun. Now it's time to show them those spiritual things on a deeper level.

I'm going to start giving kids a chance to minister to each other in prayer times and such. I think this is an essential discipleship tool. Nothing teaches us to be a follower of Christ like doing what Christ did. I hope to encourage that in the coming months.

This month I'm also doing a Bible Read-a-Thon. Kids who read through the book of John in 21 days get a certificate of completion and a few nice prizes. They will also gain a spiritual harvest from all of the neato nuggets the Bible has to offer.

So what are y'all doing to deepen the spiritual waters for your kids?
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