Sunday, November 26, 2006


Kim and I just had my brother up from NYC for thanksgiving. It was really good to reconnect with him. It was also really good to reconnect with green-bean casserole.
Hope you all had a great holiday.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Oldie but Goodie

Here's a scripture I've not read in awhile. The truth of it struck me again. It was watching a movie on DVD and remembering why you liked it so much in the theater. Here it is.

I said ot the Lord, "Your are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:2

Sure it's not new information, but it is profound. Take a second to mull it over and see if you have any good stuff outside of what God's given you. I didn't find anything. Puts one in the right mood for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday (for us Americans at least).

Post Drought

I apologize to all my loyal and semi-loyal readers for the long post drought of late. It's due in no small part to our internet non-connection for the past week. Our network has been a bit funny here at the church, which is irritating to say the least.

So here's an update on my life. I'm almost in my permanent housing. I'm reading Mark for my devotions (good stuff). And lastly, I'm gearing up for some really fun holiday events with our kids ministry. All in all things are going good and I'm adjusting well to my new surroundings. Vermonters are a quirky bunch, but in the most endearing way. I've fallen in love with this area and it's people.

More to come soon.
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